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  • Tue, September 19, 2023 12:30 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    The OSRP is growing and developing as an organization representing a diverse group of RPs across Ontario. With this top of mind, we intend to increase Black, Indigenous, Racialized, and LGBTQ2S+ awareness and engagement at the OSRP. To do so, we need your voices. Please let us know what we can do to make joining our Board a good fit for you.

    DEADLINE for nominations to the slate prior to this AGM is September 29 at 5 p.m.

    EXCLUSIVE: Board Members will be eligible to take Sheridan College’s Building Literacy in Equitable Practices Micro-Credential training program, developed for OSRP. See below for details!

    If you are Board-Curious and interested in learning more about becoming part of the OSRP Board, you are invited to an Open House with Kimberly Cato and Dan Sileshi, Co-Chairs of the Nomination Committee.

    Click HERE to register!

    Scheduled Zoom Meeting:
    DATE: Friday, September 22
    TIME: 1:30-2:30 p.m. EDT

    Please let us know if you can make it and if you have any specific questions we can prepare to answer when we meet. May your week be truly spectacular.

    Feel free to contact Kimberly Cato and Dan Sileshi at:

  • Tue, September 19, 2023 12:18 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    You are invited to the OSRP’s 31st Annual General Meeting on:

    Friday, November 24
    1-3 p.m. (on Zoom)

    This year’s AGM is of particular importance.

    Q: Why?

    A: Your Board has been hard at work making important and necessary changes to the OSRP’s By-Laws.

    Q: Will I get a chance to review and vote on these changes?

    A: Yes. The only way we can evolve as an organization is with your support and participation. All proposed changes will be sent out in the Annual General Report no later than 30 days before the AGM.

    Further, the AGM will include a detailed presentation of these proposed changes, and why they are necessary.

    Q: Why do I need to attend or send a proxy?

    A: OSRP Quorum requires 10% of members – so we will need 100+ members to attend or select proxies.

    Door prizes will be available for those who attend.

    It’s a great chance to connect with fellow members, and vote on matters of importance to you.

    Click HERE to register today.

    Click HERE to assign a proxy.

    Thank you!

  • Fri, August 18, 2023 10:49 AM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)
    An OSRP Qualifying Member recently alerted the Advocacy Committee to an unfair disqualification of RP(Q)s from funding from an Ontario-funded program called the Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP+) for Victims of Crime administered by Victim Services. This program deems RP (Qualifying) to be ineligible to be "approved counselling providers" because of their qualifying status. The argument is that they require supervision.

    The OSRP is well aware that supervision continues throughout the lifespan of psychotherapists, social workers, psychologists and many other professionals covered by the program, and that until 1,000 Direct Client Contact Hours are provided by an RP, they must continue supervision. We also know that most benefits plans do not distinguish between RPs and RP(Q)s in their coverage. We will be addressing this issue directly with VQRP and hope to report a positive outcome in the future.

    Do you know of any other organizations that discriminate against RP(Q)s? Please don’t hesitate to let us know at

    Rachel Fulford & Dr. Natasha Tuletta-Bowman, Co-Vice Chairs, OSRP Board of Directors, Co-Chairs, Advocacy Committee of the OSRP

  • Fri, August 18, 2023 10:20 AM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    by Gwen Shandoski, RP, M.Sc.

    Moving my practice out of Toronto to Picton was hard, unplanned, unknown.

    I always thought being a psychotherapist meant living in Toronto. My future was me, 80, in my basement office in Leslieville in the city’s east end, seeing clients face to face.

    When the world shut down, anything seemed possible.

    I had never worked virtually before. Once I used Zoom to meet new clients and it worked, I downloaded real estate apps. I checked out gorgeous homes on Haida Gwaii, waterfront in Newfoundland and Muskoka. Old homes in Goderich. California for kicks. Winnipeg, Sudbury for a change. Window shopping a new life was a fun way to spend those lockdown evenings.

    What I could not know or google was — what is it like to work and practise psychotherapy outside Toronto?

    I picked a town based on activities I enjoy — coffee shops, an active movie theatre and film community, artists, and a bookstore. Prince Edward County had all those.

    Dissociation wore off as soon as our offer on a Picton house was accepted. I panicked and said to my partner, I can’t do this. Thoughts jammed. A vision of me working as a psychotherapist outside Toronto was not there. I’d depended on the senior therapists who trained me to demonstrate life as a psychotherapist. I had not seen any RPs living rurally without commuting to work.

    photo: Gwen (left) and her partner, Barb Hannah, on “move day,” realizing that they accidentally dressed as “City Mouse” (Gwen) and “Country Mouse” (Barb).

    However, I took the leap. I was soon discouraged from trying to share an office with a therapist renting on Main Street. The rules were that no other therapist could be in that building. My friends from Picton kept assuring me there was work and possibilities for office space nearby.

    Eventually, I rented an office by the water and hung my shingle. I had many inquiries and enough referrals this winter. Few this summer.

    I’m finding my footing here. I volunteer at a queer youth group out of the library. I was hired for the "Arts Together" pilot program to facilitate connectedness and expression through art for those at risk of social isolation and mental health challenges (not therapy though). Once funding is secured, I have the promise of 20 hours of expressive arts therapy work at an afterschool program for young girls. 

    My rent is paid but there’s room to grow. I’ve left my card at coffee shops and other local spots. I  need to do more. I have savings after selling our house, so retirement is a possibility at some point. I am living a good life in a beautiful part of Ontario. One I hope to enjoy for the next 15 years.

    photo: Gwen’s porch for group work

    If you are interested in forming a group to support rural therapists, please check the OSRP Listserv for details.

    Would you like to write about your experiences and POV for this newsletter? We would love to work with you! Please email us with your ideas at and let’s get writing!

  • Fri, August 18, 2023 9:56 AM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    Join us for a unique two-part opportunity for guidance from a world expert in how Sexual Boundary Violations (SBVs) happen in a clinical setting; who is at risk; and how to become aware of the risks in your practice.

    Dr. Andrea Celenza has spent more than 20 years studying, writing about, and advising regulators about SBVs, and providing remediation, expert witness testimony, and therapy to over 300 clinicians who have transgressed, as well as to over 100 victims. She literally wrote the book on Sexual Boundary Violations. She brings a deeply compassionate, personal and insightful approach to her work and her lectures, and shares examples to help others practise safely and effectively. This is a do-not-miss event.

    Part One:  October 10–October 17, 2023

    Video Release available 24hrs/day to screen at your convenience

    Registrants will have access to Dr. Celenza’s 90-minute video and PowerPoint presentation Sexual Boundary Violations: How Do They Happen? in which she debunks the myths and illuminates the realities of this prevalent phenomenon, and offers a psychological profile of clinicians at highest risk.

    Two-minute teaser: SBV: How do they happen? | Andrea Celenza

    This video would normally cost $450 USD per individual viewing. The OSRP is exclusively offering this on a one-week basis for you to screen at your own pace, with the unique Q&A opportunity below.

    Part Two: October 18, 2023

    Q&A with Presenter Noon to 1 p.m. ET on Zoom — NOT RECORDED
    Dr. Celenza will address questions and comments arising from her 90-minute video.

    This is an opportunity for a live community interaction in a confidential space to discuss your questions, responses and concerns.

    The first part of her deck on Sexual Boundary Violations will be available by email to all registrants.

    REGISTER HERE for both Parts 1 and 2

    • $50 for non-members ←please SHARE with your colleagues
    • $20 for OSRP members
    • Included with “Flex Pass” for those OSRP members who hold one

    Dr. Andrea Celenza, Ph.D., is a Psychoanalyst,Psychologist, and world expert who literally wrote the book on Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Academic and Supervisory Contexts. She is a Training and Supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Society/Institute; faculty, at Mass. Institute for Psychoanalysis; and Assistant Clinical Professor, Harvard Medical School.

    She recently released a new book, Transference, Love, Being: Essential Essays from the Field: books | Andrea Celenza

    Her books are available in person in Toronto or online for shipment at Caversham Booksellers, PS Protect Seminar’s promotional partner.

    To attend/receive materials for all five PS: protect yourself Protect Seminars, if you would appreciate financial support and identify as BIPOC, please email

    PS: Protect Seminars are Co-Presented by

  • Tue, July 18, 2023 2:02 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)
    We were approached by Canadian Affairs, a new national media organization, with questions about why therapists charge HST. We provided interviews, including from a client’s POV, showing how this tax is a barrier to access. Here is a LINK (free to read if you register for Canadian Affairs), and it is here as a PDF.

    Feel free to share and post it far and wide.

    If you have any questions about what you can do to help with this effort, or news about support from your MP or others, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by emailing

    We hope you have a restorative Summer.

    All the best,

    Rachel Fulford & Dr. Natasha Tuletta-Bowman, Co-Vice Chairs, OSRP Board of Directors, Co-Chairs, Advocacy Committee of the OSRP

  • Tue, July 18, 2023 1:57 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)
    The Tax Free Therapy Coalition, of which the OSRP is a founding and active member, continues to lobby high-level decision makers re: the unfair tax on Psychotherapy/Counselling Therapy while The House of Commons is in summer recess. (Click here for their schedule.)

    HST updates are always available on the OSRP Website’s Advocacy Corner.

    There are two HST Bills which, come fall, will continue to move through this parliament.
    1. NP MP Lindsay Mathyssen's Private Members' Bill C-218, which received first reading December 2021, and which was referred to in the petition she sponsored, signed by 14,200+ supporters and tabled March 6, 2023,


    2. PC MP Stephen Ellis' Private Members' Bill C-323, which received first reading April 23, 2023. CLICK HERE for video/transcript of an incredible debate about this issue on the floor of the House of Commons.
    The NDP have pledged their support to the PC Bill, which received a better number in the "order of precedence" than theirs.

    The PC Bill is scheduled for a second reading/debate in fall 2023.

    Meanwhile, we are keeping the pressure on with ongoing activism including letter writing, the two Bills, and the petition, all of which have been effective in raising awareness and opening doors for us to make our case.

    Letter-writing tools and social media shareables can be found at

  • Tue, July 18, 2023 1:51 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    The OSRP is growing and developing as an organization representing a diverse group of RPs across Ontario. With this top of mind, we intend to increase Black, Indigenous, Racialized, and LGBTQ2S+ awareness and engagement at the OSRP. To do so, we need your voices. Please let us know what we can do to make joining our Board a good fit for you.

    NEW: Board Members will be eligible to take Sheridan College’s Building Literacy in Equitable Practices Micro-Credential training program, developed for OSRP. Details to follow!

    If you are Board-Curious and interested in learning more about becoming part of the OSRP Board, you are invited to an Open House with Kimberly Cato and Dan Sileshi, Co-Chairs of the Nomination Committee.

    Click HERE to register!

    Scheduled Zoom Meeting date & time:
    DATE: Friday, August 25
    TIME: 1-2 p.m. EDT

    Please let us know if you can make it and if you have any specific questions we can prepare to answer when we meet. May your week be truly spectacular.

    If this date and time don’t work for you, fear not –– we will host another Open House next month!

    Feel free to contact Kimberly Cato and Dan Sileshi at:
  • Tue, July 18, 2023 1:46 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    It can be uncomfortable for psychotherapists to talk about money. Some of us feel shame about how much we charge; many of us feel shame about how little we charge. For many, this is a calling, and how can you put a dollar value on a calling?

    At the same time, it’s important for our profession that we gather data (anonymously) to discover how much we are charging for our services. To be clear: this is not about SETTING rates or even RECOMMENDING rates. This will help the PRPA (of which the OSRP is a dues-paying member, and which is lobbying the national association of insurance companies) to generate information that will help benefit plans better budget for MORE psychotherapy coverage for our clients. It will also give us data about how charging and remitting HST can depress our take-home fees.

    So far, approximately 950 therapists have filled out the survey. Thank you!

    However, we need at least 1,000 for the data to be significant. To encourage more therapists to fill out the survey, which takes about 10 minutes, the deadline has been extended to the end of this month.

    Please feel free to share with colleagues. We believe this will be hugely beneficial to our advocacy efforts, and our profession, from coast to coast to coast.

    Your voice matters! 

    PREAMBLE: The intent of the RP Rate Survey is to take a benchmark, at this point in time, of what RPs (RP-Qs) are charging clients.

    The data will inform us as to the lay of the land regarding what rates are being charged. While different stakeholders are interested in this information (insurance industry, RPs, CRPO), PRPA and OSRP members will be consulted before any data is shared externally. There is no intent to set a minimum, maximum or standard rate.

    All answers are anonymous.

    The link to the survey is

    Please feel free to share the survey with other therapists in Canada. The more data, the better. 

    If you have any questions about the survey, don’t hesitate to email

  • Tue, July 18, 2023 1:39 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    With 147 already registered in the PS: Protect Seminar series, organizers headed into the third event with great expectations, which were exceeded by Lawrence Murphy’s informative and energizing Zoom presentation on July 7th. To quote Murphy: “This is not simply a modality. This is a place. It’s a space…and each online space has its own culture. If you don’t know the culture of this place, if it doesn’t feel authentic or natural to you,” Murphy advises caution and professional restraint.

    Even those of us who thought we understood all regulations and best practices for ethical, safe and effective online therapy learned how to enhance our work. This is absolutely a must-see, including the excellent questions brought forward by our astute and curious members.

    “I was blown away, and I really hope many more OSRP members will sign up and watch this particular video,” said Alethia Cadore, RP and Chair of the Protect SubCommittee. “I don’t want anyone to miss out on important tips for your practice, especially as many of us navigate the possibility of returning to (some) in-person work while managing online reputations, communications and self-care.”

    A few of the topics covered in the seminar, co-presented by Jane, the therapy app:}

    • Virtual Safety Plan
    • Navigating Dual Relationships (Clients on Peloton, Multi-Player Game, VR Space, etc.)
    • Dis-Inhibition in Online Spaces
    • Privacy Issues with Various Platforms
    • Safety Considerations re: Texting — even re: Scheduling Changes
    • The Hand Signal That Your Client Could Learn to Make When in Danger: Described Here
    • The 20-20-20 Rule to Protect Your Eyes
    • Comments Sections: Hidden Dangers
    • Creating Safe Boundaries Around Online Work (e.g., not answering client emails in your PJs)
    • Having a Clear Start and End to Your Day

    It’s not too late to register HERE and watch all three seminars, including CYBER THERAPY: PROTECTING OUR PROFESSIONAL IMAGE, ENSURING BOUNDARIES AND CONFIDENTIALITY, on your timetable.

    To quote Lawrence Murphy: “[With remote therapy,] the pain enters our sanctuary…I want you to model self-care for your clients.”

    To attend/receive materials for all five PS: protect yourself Protect Seminars, if you would appreciate financial support and identify as BIPOC, please email

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