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OSRP sends an email newsletter (OSRP Central) on the third Wednesday of every month to 1,100+ members. The OSRP Central is a service used to inform members of OSRP news items, events and special information.

Advertising content needs to be approved, so please email a sample of what you would like to send to our membership in a Word file to

OSRP Central E-blast Publishing Facts and Requirements

  • Sent monthly on the third Wednesday at 8 a.m. ET
  • Submission deadline is the preceding Friday at noon ET
  • Must not conflict with OSRP offerings
  • The information being sent must relate to psychotherapy
  • We would need all of the information you would like included in the ad: name of the course/seminar/workshop/webinar, dates, information on presenter(s), registration information, cost, logo/graphic. etc.
  • Hyperlinks can be included in promotion to encourage traffic to advertiser site/event
  • Advertisements are tweeted to OSRP’s followers
  • Advertisements are listed after main OSRP content


  • 5 to 7 word headline (included in table of contents towards the top of email)
  • 150-250 word write-up.
  • event logo/graphic included (supplied by advertiser)
  • event also posted under “News and Events” on OSRP website


If included in the OSRP Central e-Blast

  • $399 plus HST

This would be sent to our entire 1,100+ subscribers

If sent as a standalone e-blast

  • $589 plus HST
This would be sent only to members who agreed to receive promotional emails 

Must not be sent the same week as a scheduled OSRP Central e-blast.

Forward requests for advertising dates and questions to

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