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PS: Protect Yourself With Protect Seminars

  • Thu, April 06, 2023
  • Sun, December 31, 2023
  • via Zoom


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • (only available until December 31, 2023)
  • Individual seminars — Live only

Registration is closed

How do you stay nourished, regulated and avoid burnout? We all want to know. Learn and share with world experts in their fields. Develop in community. 

Safe and effective, together.

Protect yourself with these five seminars offered throughout 2023. Starting with CRPO QA, take a dive deep into culture, sexuality, our cyber world, and then land with you. Yes, you.

Seminar titles and dates are as follows:

  1. April 6, 2023:   Risk Mitigation for Psychotherapists
    Analysis of the most common causes for complaints and lawsuits, with advice on how to avoid mistakes, and minimize the risk of discipline or malpractice judgments. Members discuss CRPO Case-Based Assessment (CBA) with practice questions.

    LisaHamiltonLawyerBellTemple.pngLisa E. Hamilton, Partner, Bell Temple LLP, Litigation Lawyers. Bell Temple LLP is recognized as one of the top 10 insurance defense boutiques in Canada. Click here to read the full presenter's full bio and seminar description.

    Available only to members through the purchase of a "Next Best Thing" registration.

  2. June 15, 2023: An Introduction to Cultural Competency: What is it?
    The CRPO has clearly mandated all Registrants to continue developing cultural competencies. This roundtable event discusses what this actually means in practice.

    Available only to members through the purchase of a "Next Best Thing" registration.

    Shanique Edwards.jpegShanique Victoria Edwards, B.Sc., M.Div.(c), a member of Black Mental Health Canada’s Circle of Leaders and Founder and CEO of the Eden Legacy Foundation, works as knowledge translation coordinator for the Cundill Centre for Child and Youth Depression at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).

    OrenGozlan.jpgDr. Oren Gozlan, Psy.D., ABPP, FIPA, is a clinical psychologist and a psychoanalyst in Toronto. He is Chair of the scientific committee at the Toronto Institute for Psychoanalysis and a member of the Committee for Gender and Sexuality of the IPA. He is faculty at the University of Toronto (Applied Psychology and Human Development).

    Dr.ChaseMcMurren.pngDr. Chase McMurren(Spirit name: Water Song Medicine Keeper) is Michif/Metis (Turtle Clan) from Lethbridge, AB, located on traditional Siksikaitsitapi, Blackfoot Confederacy Territory and covered by Treaty 7. He currently lives and works in Tkarón:to |GichiKiiwenging and serves as the Indigenous Health Theme Lead in the MD Program and the Indigenous Practitioner Liaison within the Office of Indigenous Health in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.

    Click here to read the full presenters' bios and seminar description.
    Only available through the purchase of a "Next Best Thing" registration.

  3. Thursday, July 6, 2023: Cyber Therapy: Protecting our Professional Image, Ensuring Boundaries and Confidentiality Online

    Available only to members through the purchase of a "Next Best Thing" registration.

    lawrence-murphy.jpgLawrence Murphy, MA, Counselling Psychology, and Instructor, Department of Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University. Lawrence Murphy is the founder of Worldwide Therapy Online, the world’s first online clinical practice, established in 1994.
    Click here to read the full presenter's bio and seminar description.

4. October 18, 2023: Protecting RPs from Sexual Boundary Violations
Date: Tues October 10-17Video Release “Sexual Boundary Violations: How Do They Happen?” (90-minute video presentation including slides) available for one week
Two-minute teaser here: SBV: How do they happen? | Andrea Celenza
Q&A with Presenter
Date: Wednesday, October 18
Time: Noon to 1 p.m. ET
Location: Online via Zoom

Recording not available

Dr. Andrea Celenza, Ph.D., is a Psychoanalyst, Psychologist, and world expert who literally wrote the book on Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Academic and Supervisory Contexts. She is a Training and Supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Society/Institute; faculty, at Mass. Institute for Psychoanalysis; and Assistant Clinical Professor, Harvard Medical School.

Click here to read the full presenter's full bio and seminar description.

5. November 26, 2023: Stay Safe and Effective: Neurobiology, Self-Regulation and DOSE (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphins)
Who Takes Care of the Caretakers? How do we resource ourselves and self-regulate to avoid “compassion fatigue,” burnout, illness and enactment?

Available only to members through the purchase of a "Next Best Thing" registration.

Dr. Krissy Doyle-Thomas, Ph.D. Medical Neuroscientist, Professor in Brain Disorders Management, Mental Health and Disability Management at Mohawk College, is an expert in brain-related medical conditions and mental health. Dr. Krissy was recognized in CBC TV’s “HERstory in Black,” and named an honouree in 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women 2022

Click here to read the full presenter's full bio and seminar description.

Funding available for OSRP members identifying as BIPoC:

I want to attend/receive materials for all five PS seminars and/or an OSRP membership. I would appreciate financial support. I identify as BIPoC.

I want to help a fellow OSRP member attend all five PS Seminars, and receive materials. If not yet a member, I'd like to help support their first year. I'd like to donate to the OSRP's BIPoC Bursary program.

* Those registering for the sessions are also provided an opportunity at registration to donate funding in support of the above initiative.

Member Pricing:

  • Individual seminars — Live: $10 + HST
  • Individual seminars — Next Best Thing: $20 + HST (only available until December 31, 2023)
Non-Member Pricing:
  • Individual seminars — Live only: $50 + HST

Presented in partnership with Jane.

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