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Partnership With Sheridan College: Micro-Credential

Tue, September 19, 2023 12:59 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

OSRP is proud to partner with Sheridan College in offering a curated suite of courses, starting with past, present and future Board and committee members, up to 35 registrants for the first offering in Winter/Spring 2024. This is intended as a benefit for OSRP volunteers who provide extensive unpaid labour that enables the association to flourish. This new partnership gives volunteers the opportunity to complete and graduate with a micro-credential designed to enhance their practice, as a demonstration of appreciation for their work with OSRP.

Sheridan continues to support organizations like OSRP as well as workplaces, colleges, and institutes in their efforts to advance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). Recognizing diversity as the fuel for excellence, this support comes in the form of courses and programs that provide training and education on equitable practices and inclusive leadership. Sheridan Continuing and Professional Studies is offering the micro-credential program, Building Literacy in Equitable Practices, with the objective of integrating different perspectives and experiences related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Micro-credentials are short-duration programs that help lay the foundation by expanding a learner's knowledge, awareness, and skills in a specific area of interest. The Building Literacy in Equitable Practices micro-credential program explores the fundamental concepts of equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace and offers strategies to engage in more inclusive practices, language, and behaviours.

The program only requires three (3) courses and can be completed in as little as one (1) to two (2) academic semesters. Participants need to complete two (2) mandatory courses, Fostering Equitable Practices I and Fostering Equitable Practices II, which examine power, privilege, unconscious bias, micro-aggressions, racism, and intersectionality to integrate different perspectives on equity and diversity. These courses explore strategies to enhance one's capacity to be more inclusive both at work and in other relationships. Participants also need to complete one (1) elective course to obtain the micro-credential. They can choose one from the three elective courses available: Modelling Inclusive Leadership Practices, Exploring Disability and Difference, and Cultivating LGBTQ2S+ Inclusivity. Participants who successfully complete the two (2) mandatory courses, plus one (1) elective, and pass all course requirements, will receive a certificate to formally acknowledge completion of the micro-credential.

The learning experience for the Building Literacy in Equitable Practices micro-credential program includes group discussions, in-depth exploration of videos and articles, and participation in online learning activities where participants reflect on their own experiences to deepen their learning.

Former, current and future Board Members who may be interested in registering, please contact Evonne at so we can get a sense of numbers (dates and times TBD.)

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