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CRPO: Two Opportunities for Feedback

Tue, September 19, 2023 1:25 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

Supervision Tool

The CRPO has developed a new tool for RP(Q)s and their supervisors to reflect together on the efficacy of supervision, and wants your feedback, which OSRP will compile and share on your behalf if you send it to, or you can comment directly HERE

There are two opportunities to participate in improving the supervision tool:

  1. Simply review and comment on the content (due October 16)
  2. Use the tool and provide feedback on how effective you found it to be (due January 31, 2024).

Survey links are included in the linked PDF. CRPO is interested in hearing back from both supervisors and supervisees, and it doesn’t matter whether the qualifying registrant has made an exam attempt or not.  

Zoom meetings/Q&As

The CRPO is offering a series of Zoom meetings/Q&As regarding Professional Development Obligations including the Case-Based Assessment (CBA). The goal is to help Registrants understand the program and be better prepared to complete their PD obligations.

The next one is Thursday, October 12, 1-2 p.m. ET

Pre-registration is required using this link to register and submit any questions you would like CRPO to answer.

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