We’re kicking off a new feature in this newsletter to cheer and clap for OSRP members who are doing great things for the profession and in the community. Please submit suggestions about yourself or other OSRPers to mail@psychotherapyontario.org. Don’t be shy!
We’re starting with a note from our surprised Board Chair, Kimberly Cato, who was nominated without her knowledge for the Charity Village (Canada’s top not-for-profit clearinghouse/resource site) Best Individual Contribution to DEI in the workplace award. This is for the Race-Based Data Collection Initiative. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Kimberly and the EDI Committee, and to everyone who participated by providing their data, OSRP is on the finalist list.
Check out the
AWARD FINALIST page for details. The Conference is on November 29, at which point the winners will be announced. Regardless, it’s a thrill to be nominated for such a breakthrough development, the fruits of which will be shared at the AGM.