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Rescheduled: OSRP Special Session of the Membership on October 10

Mon, September 16, 2024 10:30 AM | OSRP (Administrator)

Thank you for your continued support of the OSRP. As a valued member, you had the opportunity to vote on proposed by-law amendments that will ensure you continue to have a voice while also supporting the advancement of the society and its mandate.

The amendments were released for electronic vote in July and the motions and results will be read into the minutes of this meeting to make them official.

Unfortunately, we were challenged with registrations for the August 30 Special Session of the Membership meeting (18 received) and proxies (9 received). Under our current by-laws, we require over 90 registrations and proxies to achieve a quorum, so we have rescheduled this meeting.

The new meeting date and time are:

Thursday, October 10, 2024
12 to 1 p.m. ET, Zoom

To register for the meeting, please use this link.

Proxy Voting

If you are unable to attend the OSRP Special Session of the Membership meeting scheduled for October 10, 2024, please click on the button below to complete a proxy form. There will be no voting during the meeting. Proxies are required so we can ensure we have a quorum to hold the meeting.

Click here to register your proxy.

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