The Special Session of the Membership meeting held on October 10 was a success! We officially recorded the results from the electronic votes to amend the constitution and by-laws.
We also released several policies.
The listserv policy and acknowledgment form were released in the spring, in conjunction with the launch of our new listserv platform. All members signing up for the platform are required to sign off, ensuring a safe and productive space for member exchange.
Listserv Acknowledgement Form
Listserv Policy
The new policies that were released can be found below.
These policies were crafted in tandem with the by-laws changes that were approved. The intent and vision was to ensure that our by-laws and policies align with and encompass OSRP's commitment to equitable practices in everything we do. We have come to realize in recent years that these policies are necessary as we grow and forge a path forward. Click on the buttons below to view the new policies.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Conflict Resolution Policy
Contractor Hiring Policy
Anti-Discrimination Policy
Sharing of Race-based Data Policy
Whistleblower Protection Policy
Abolish the Position of Parliamentarian