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  • Tue, February 14, 2023 3:46 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    All of us should have received this email in late January –

    “This is a reminder that CRPO’s annual registration renewal period will be opening on February 1, 2023. Your renewal will be due by March 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EST.  Please login to the registrant portal ( and complete your renewal.

    Please see the Renewal page ( for more information. If you have questions about the Health Professions Database (HPDB) Questions or renewal, please see the Renewal FAQ (”

    We are advising ALL members to plan for this process early, because it is not a simple, or easily-affordable, undertaking for many of us.

    A few things to note about your CRPO Renewal:

    • You won’t be receiving an invoice, not even within your CRPO portal/website.
    • The only way to pay is with a Visa credit card, or MasterCard credit card.
            If you have neither, the only option the CRPO suggests is to buy a temporary Visa or MasterCard gift card.
            These can be purchased from your bank, or from a chain store like WalMart, Shoppers Drug Mart, Best Buy etc.
    • When you get to your dashboard, you can correct your personal information on the landing page (a separate activity than your renewal), but don’t scroll down to the list of invoices - it won’t be there.
    • Go to the left menu and pick “Renewal.
    • There are no accessibility accommodations for neurodiverse registrants, registrants with visual impairments etc. on the Renewal portal, or in the Ministry of Health database questionnaire.
            If you require accommodations to complete your renewal, please do not hesitate to email the CRPO directly (and promptly, since their response may take time) at
    • You will be asked to confirm your currency hours (750 or more Direct Client Contact (DCC) hours for any of the Active categories).
            You don’t need to provide documentation, but they may ask for it later, so good to have – even your own Excel or Word spreadsheet or other tracking document using initials or Unique Client Identifiers (such as numbers), not client names, addresses or any other identifying details, in case the CRPO asks for it later
    • The Ministry of Health questionnaire, completed as part of your CRPO Renewal process, takes time and reflection as well. 
            It asks you to divide your total number of hours worked (your DCC plus other hours, like teaching, supervision or research) into percentages, to give them a breakdown.
            So you might say – 60% of my hours are direct client contact hours, 30% are administrative, 10% is research – or whatever is most accurate for you. There are no right or wrong answers.

    Please plan for the $$$ cost of CRPO Renewal.

    List of fees: CRPO Fees – College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario

    • Registrants who do not renew their registration by 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2023 will have a late fee of $150.00 + HST applied to their account.
    • Registrants who are late and do not renew (including paying the late fee) on or before 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2023, may be suspended.
    • Suspended individuals are no longer able to practise the profession and the suspension is reflected on the Public Register.
    • The fee for lifting a suspension is $350.00 + HST.
    The OSRP may be posting a brief video webinar for members interested in a “share screen” opportunity to be guided through the renewal process, to be shared with all members.
  • Tue, February 14, 2023 3:41 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    The OSRP Board is thrilled to announce the appointment of Michael Diotte, OSRP Clinical Member in good standing, who has an Accounting degree as well as Bookkeeping and extensive Board/Not-for-Profit experience, to the role of Acting Treasurer. The Board appointed Michael in accordance with the OSRP bylaws and in consultation with our Parliamentarian. His email is

    Please join us in welcoming Michael to his new role, until the next Special General Meeting or Annual General Meeting of the Members, at which time we hope he will be willing to stand for election with the slate of 2023-24 Board Directors.

    Now, we have another vacant position to fill: Executive Committee Secretary to the Board of Directors. We would welcome a member with strong communication skills and an eye for detail.

    The OSRP is growing and developing as an organization representing a diverse group of RPs across Ontario. We intend to increase BIPoC and LGBTQ2S+ awareness and engagement at the OSRP. We need your voices. Please consider if having a seat on our Board as Acting Secretary would be a good fit for you.

    If you are interested, or even “Board-Curious,” please email with your questions to and let’s talk!

  • Tue, February 14, 2023 3:28 PM | OSRP (Administrator)


    Black History Month, recognized and celebrated here since 1995 following the initiative of the Honourable Jean Augustine, Canada’s first Black MP, who represented her Ontario riding for 13 years, is an opportunity for psychotherapists to continue resourcing ourselves for the work we do, and the experiences we have, all year long. We encourage all members to research (and re-re-re-search) the best sources for you.

    We do have a few ideas to share below, and would love to hear yours. Please send your favourite resources to and you may see them posted on our website.

    To resource, or “re-Source” ourselves, is appropriate for Ontarians. After all, the word “Ontario'' comes from the Iroquois “kanadario,” meaning “sparkling” water. Lakes and rivers make up one-fifth of Ontario’s footprint. Each lake and river is continually re-Sourced and re-Freshed by springs, aquifers, reservoirs, ponds, streams, estuaries, ice, rainfall, and waterfalls of all shapes and sizes, including at Niagara. These sources continually oxygenate and revive our water – an essential source of vitality for all human, animal and plant life. Continuous flow and circulation, and re-circulation, makes our water safe and effective. So must we as RPs, RP(Q)s, Students and Retired Members continually dip our toes, and occasionally take deep dives, into new sources that re-Fresh and re-Vive our learning and our lives.

    As documented in our Annual General Report in November, the OSRP Board was moved by the February 2022 Report released by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, cited in CRPO’s February 2022 Communiqué, entitled "Shining a Light on Mental Health in Black Communities." The MHCC Report spotlighted health disparities in Black Communities that speak directly to the gaps in service and resources that OSRP identified and began responding to in 2021.

    Statistics from this report include:

    • 38% of survey respondents who are Black, and reported poor or fair mental health, stated that they had used mental health services
    • 60% said they would be more willing to use mental health services if the mental health professional was Black
    • 35.4% were experiencing significant psychological distress, 34.2% of whom never sought mental health services.

    Deborah Adams, Registrar and CEO of the CRPO, responded to the MHCC Report by stating, “The message that these statistics carry is clear: we need to work to reduce barriers like systemic inequities resulting from anti-Black racism and lack of representation in the profession to improve access to much-needed mental health care for the Black community in Ontario.”

    Please have a look at the lived experience behind these statistics in “All Booked Up: The Frustration of Finding a Black Therapist” by Alicia Lue from The Walrus

    The CRPO has clearly mandated all Registrants to continue developing our cultural competencies. For example:

    Registrants are strongly encouraged to develop their learning on Canada’s Indigenous people and the ongoing effects of colonization.”  

    Indigenous Healthcare Law and Policy section of Professional Practice and Jurisprudence for RPs Professional Practice and Jurisprudence for Registered Psychotherapists – College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (

    “A registrant must not discriminate against any person on any prohibited ground. Examples of discrimination may include the following:

    • refusing to accept or continue to treat a new client for a prohibited reason, such as race, gender identity, or sexual orientation;
    • making a treatment decision for a prohibited reason;
    • insulting a client in relation to a prohibited reason;
    • refusing to allow a client with a disability to attend an appointment with a support person, assistive device, or service animal; and
    • making assumptions, not based on clinical observation or professional knowledge and experience, about a person’s health or abilities because of their age or another prohibited reason.

    It is not discrimination to make clinical decisions for reasons other than prohibited grounds. For example, if an RP does not have the competence to treat or continue to treat a person, a registrant should not initiate or continue therapy with a client. Such a decision to refuse or discontinue services must be made in good faith, communicated sensitively, and documented. It is discriminatory to claim one lacks competence as a pretence for refusing to provide service based on protected grounds.

    RPs are similarly entitled to rely on professional knowledge, judgement, and experience to comment upon clinically relevant matters that relate, for example, to a person’s age, gender, or cultural background.

    Human Rights and Accessibility Legislation section of Professional Practice and Jurisprudence for RPs  - our emphasis in bold Professional Practice and Jurisprudence for Registered Psychotherapists – College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (

    The OSRP Board has taken, and continues to take, our role as your elected representatives in this space very seriously. We have found ourselves and our clinical practices richly re-Sourced this past year by many currents of learning, including the following (all of which are intended for all adults):

    1. My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending our Hearts and Bodies, a NYT Bestseller by Resmaa Menakem, author, Psychotherapist and founder of Somatic Abolitionism, specialising in the effects of trauma on the human body and the relationship between trauma, white body supremacy, and racism.

      My Grandmother's Hands—Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending ... by Resmaa Menakem (Excerpt) - YouTube

      An interview with Menakem from “On Being” with Krista Tippett Resmaa Menakem — 'Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence' | The On Being Project

    2. 2022 Giller Prize winner for Fiction, Suzette Mayr’s The Sleeping Car Porter explores a crucial part of Canada’s Black History (also available as an audiobook): The Sleeping Car Porter | Coach House Books (

      An interview/Q&A with Mayr from “The Giller Book Club” with Donna Bailey Nurse, literary critic
       The Giller Book Club: The Sleeping Car Porter - YouTube

    3. Internal Racism: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Race and Difference by M. Fakhry Davids, author and Psychoanalyst, British Psychoanalytical Society Internal Racism: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Race and Difference by M. Fakhry Davids (

      An Interview with Davids from “New Books in Psychoanalysis” with Tracy D. Morgan, Psychoanalyst, LCSW-R, M.Phil  New Books in Psychoanalysis: M. Fakhry Davids, "Internal Racism: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Race and Difference" (Red Globe, 2011) on Apple Podcasts

      Short video of Davids describing his interest in the geography of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis: Fakhry Davids - YouTube

    Also please consider viewing or re-Viewing this OSRP seminar:

    Embodied Liberation: Facilitating Healing, Recovery & Transformation, facilitated by Shalyn Isaacs, MEd, Counselling Psychology Candidate.

    She discussed how:

    • Systemic oppression experiences live in the bodies of those from marginalized groups.
    • How do we release limiting beliefs to promote healing?
    • How can we embody liberation?
    • What will happen when you start feeling like your body is a home?
    • Utilizing somatic frameworks, participants will create and embody narratives of empowerment.

    Other re-Sources, flowing from far and wide:

    25 books about being Black in Canada | CBC Books

    25 Best Black Therapy Podcasts (chosen by FeedSpot):

    Some Black Therapist directories:

    Wishing all OSRP Members a re-Sourceful, re-Circulating and re-Viving Black History Month!

    — The above was collected and written by Rachel Fulford, RP, Co-Vice-Chair and Chair of Advocacy, and approved by the Executive Committee.
  • Wed, January 11, 2023 4:01 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    Dear OSRP Members,

    The OSRP Board would like to sincerely wish you and your loved ones all the very best for 2023.  We look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year.

    It seems like a lifetime ago, but we held a very successful AGM on November 18, 2022.

    As promised, we are including the below, for every OSRP member who attended and those who were not able to.

    NB: Please refrain from sharing this material outside of the OSRP Membership.

    Please click below for more Board updates:

    Thank you for your support as we establish our new Board, Executive Committee and other new Committees, and prepare to address the mandate you generously gave us at the November AGM.

    Wishing all members good fortune and felicity,

    The OSRP Board of Directors

  • Wed, January 11, 2023 3:53 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    HST Exemption UPDATE: Please Share Before January 13

    Thank you, amazing OSRP members, for your overwhelming support. The House of Commons Petition now has almost 13,500 signatures, and rising!

    If you haven’t had a chance to sign and share: please do so here!

    You can also write to your MP to ask them to support the removal of this unjust tax.  Please visit for a pre-written letter, and a tool to email it to your rep.

    All the info you need is at

    None of this momentum would be possible without engaged members like you. Thank you so much!

    PS: You can use the JPG attached & included here, or go here: Resources | TaxFreeTherapy to download our social media shareables, to share with your followers, tagging #taxfreetherapy please!

    PPS: Please find celebrity video endorsements here: Media | TaxFreeTherapy alongside statements by MP Lindsay Mathyssen, Party Leader Jagmeet Singh and MP Carol Hughes which you can share as well as the article Psychotherapy should be tax-free in Canada, new campaign says | CTV News endorsing our campaign!

    For questions or comments, or to share a response from your MP, please contact

  • Tue, December 13, 2022 5:49 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    The OSRP office staff is getting ready to wind down for the winter season, and hopes to have time to rest and spend time with loved ones.

    The OSRP’s office will be closed from 5 p.m. ET on Friday, December 23, 2022, until 9 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, which means we won’t be returning phone calls and emails until January 3 or 4, 2023.

    We wish you all the best for a healthy and prosperous new year!
  • Tue, December 13, 2022 5:43 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    OSRP’s 30th AGM was a resounding success!

    A new complement of inspired and talented Members were voted onto the slate and became Board Directors on November 18, 2022.

    This year’s AGM ended with a crescendo of cheers, applause and a commitment to elect the largest group of volunteer Board Members that the OSRP has ever seen or dreamed of! This is a clear sign of a thriving Association, and it is thanks to your votes, your membership, your volunteer work and your ongoing commitment to the OSRP that we are here.

    Your feedback (in the chat and verbally) was unanimously positive and supportive, and you not only voted in the 2022-2023 slate, but provided a clear mandate (“yes” vote rates of 95% or higher, zero “no” votes on any resolution) to the new Board as represented by the leadership of the AGM. Quorum was achieved and maintained until the end of the three-hour meeting, which concluded with cheers, claps and expressions of gratitude and trust that the OSRP is in good hands.

    A few examples of Member contributions from the AGM via Zoom “chat” – all of which were read aloud, because YOUR voices are important – include:

    When at first we were a few members short of quorum, a number of you made valuable suggestions, and pitched in to help:

    ~ “...could folks reach out by email or phone to see if we can get a few more attendees?”

    ~ “...let's shoot to get 15-20 more, via proxy or attendance”

    Many positive comments followed the Land Acknowledgement video prepared by Kimberly Cato, following a description of the Board’s work in this area over the past year:

    ~ “Beautiful  ❤️”

    ~ “Beautiful land acknowledgement, Kimberly. Thank you.”

    ~ “Thank you. So beautiful, thoughtful.”

    ~ “We just reached quorum”

    ~ “well done everybody!”

    Below is the link to the Land Acknowledgement video, as requested by members who attended the AGM.

    Click here to view Acknowledging the Land Within video

    Honouring fellow psychotherapists who passed away since the last AGM is our way of acknowledging their contribution to this work. We lost three people this past year, one of whom was a former Board member. We sincerely thank the member who shared the name of one of these three at the AGM, who we did not yet know had passed away, so we could commemorate together.

    Rest in Peace to the dearly departed:

    Joan Lacroix, Clinical Member, Retired. OSRP Member Nov 1994–Oct 2022

    Richard Lowery, Clinical Member, former Board Member-at-Large. OSRP Member March 2017–Nov 2022

    Mikela Ronning-Philip, Clinical Member, Retired. OSRP Member Sept 1996–June 2022


    Members expressed felicitations and gratitude to Sonya Gotziaman and Rozanne Grimard as each received the “Honours of the Society Award”:

    ~ “Congratulations to Sonya and Rozanne!”

    ~ “Thank you for such a heartfelt acceptance speech. Congratulations!”

    Re: the campaign:

    ~ “I’m so grateful for all the hard work done to table this issue with the government - Thank you to all on the Task Force!”

    ~ “Nikki has taken this [Connect] committee and transformed it into a massive member benefit, keeping people informed and connected and supported, which is what makes an association a home. Way to go, Nikki!!

    RE: The 11 BIPOC Bursaries provided last year:

    ~ “I agree Kimberly…I’m so very proud of our organization...taking action, not just words. Excellent.”

    ~ “Kimberly, thank you so much for all your hard work in EDI which is paramount. Your weaving of EDI into everything we do is necessary!”

    Re: Sarah Posh and the CRPO Committee:

    ~ “Thank you for representing us so well. Much appreciated.”

    Re: 2022-23 Slate of Board Members:

    ~ “This is so exciting! We dreamed of a day when the board would have many members…”

    ~ “Congratulations to all of you! Thank you and may you have a wonderful experience!!”

    ~ “This AGM is so exciting to me. I am recalling our first AGM 30 years ago. What wonderful work you are all doing and have done to bring our organization to this place. Congratulations!”

    ~ “Many thanks to everyone who worked and prepared things for this meeting, beyond all the work that you do throughout the year :)”


    The Nomination Committee is honoured to welcome and orient all new Directors during this Interim period before our first Board Meeting on December 9.

    Before the end of the calendar year, you and all members in good standing will receive:

    • A link to the video of the AGM
    • Draft minutes of the AGM (which will be voted on at next year’s AGM), including all motions passed and vote tallies.
    • A link to updated bios and photos of all current OSRP Directors
    • A list of Executive Committee members and committee Chairs, with open calls to join committees where there is a need for more volunteers

    We thank you for your time, your energy and your trust in us to serve the OSRP faithfully over the coming year. It is thanks to you that we are in this wonderful position to do meaningful work on behalf of our honourable profession.

    May you have a victorious day,

    Kimberly Cato (Co-Chair, Nomination Committee)

    Rachel Fulford (Co-Chair, Nomination Committee)

  • Tue, December 13, 2022 4:24 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    The month of December is filled with various festivals, religious events, national days and a multitude of celebrations that bring people together for food, fun, and frollicking. This may include Festivus, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Independence Days for Kenya, Qatar, Bahrain, Libya, Mongolia, Finland, Tanzania, Portugal, and many more.

    Though these are just a few significant dates people may celebrate or take time off to take care of themselves, friends or family, there are many different traditions associated with each holiday or significant day. Learning about the significance, stories and histories of various holidays can help broaden our perspective beyond the holidays we celebrate year after year.

    According to AbacusData, a survey was done in 2019 asking Canadians if they celebrate Christmas and if they celebrate Christmas as a secular or religious holiday. 87% of respondents said they celebrate Christmas (51% secular holiday and 35% religious holiday), while 13% responded “no”. While this may or may not be representative of our OSRP population, it supports our awareness of those who may not celebrate Christmas or any of the many holidays during the month of December.

    As active, retired and student Psychotherapists, we know that there are many for whom this time of year is uncomfortable, lonely, isolating or riddled with thoughts of traumatic experiences, grief and loss. We are well aware of the tumultuous emotional rollercoaster of this season for many. As we continue through this month of December, we may wish to use inclusive language in how we greet each other and not make assumptions about how people are getting through this time. In addition, we might consider providing our clients and loved ones with a crisis line number/website and other culturally-sensitive community resources to help get through this time safely.

    We might practise asking open-ended questions of each other first, so we are not making assumptions. For example, “What are you doing over these next few weeks?” This question does not assume someone will be on holidays because they may choose to or have to work; it doesn’t assume they will be with family members; and it doesn’t assume they celebrate a specific holiday.

    Another open-ended question might be, “How do you spend your time in these winter months?” This example invites discussion without imposing a specific belief, expectation, mood or pattern of behaviour. Once we’ve learned more about the person we’re talking to, we can then decide how to wish them well.

    May all OSRP Members find peace that surpasses all understanding as you engage with these last weeks of 2022 and prepare for victorious showers of Health, Wealth, and Wisdom in 2023!!!

  • Tue, October 18, 2022 5:46 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    Thank you amazing OSRP members for your overwhelming support! The House of Commons Petition now has 8,100+ signatures and counting! If you haven’t had a chance to sign and share: please do so here!

    As a next step, would you consider writing your MP/calling your MP/asking your network to do so? If so, please visit for a pre-written letter, and a tool to email it to your rep. Or use this tool to find your MP’s contact info using your postal code:

    All the info you need is at

    Check out’s coverage of our campaign: Should therapy be tax-exempt? New campaign calls out "bureaucratic semantics."

    None of this momentum would be possible without engaged members like you. Thank you so much!

    Let’s keep it going, so we can one day see this tax in the rearview mirror, and know that we did everything we could to make it history.

    For questions or comments, please contact

  • Tue, October 18, 2022 5:30 PM | OSRP (Administrator)

    With locations across the province, Goodlife offers group exercise, personal training, group fitness classes and classic fitness amenities.

    Additionally, your discounted corporate rate can be extended to one family member to enhance the health and wellness of your loved ones.

    Registration is now open. To join, log in to the Members Only section of our website and look on the Member Benefits page.

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