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  • Tue, April 23, 2024 12:04 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    OSRP held a Special Session of the Members on April 12 to vote on proposed changes to our constitution and by-laws.

    The following motions were approved:
    1. Electronic voting
    2. Proxy voting

    Electronic Voting

    We can now implement electronic voting to ensure we hear from all members. You have the option to have your voice heard! The platform will allow members to cast their votes through secure and verified means.

    Electronic Voting By-law

    9.2 Electronic Voting Implementation - The Corporation shall adopt electronic voting methods for By-laws, elections of new slates, and the election of new Board of Directors members. The electronic voting platform shall allow members to cast their votes remotely through secure and verified means, ensuring a fair and transparent voting process.

    9.3 Pro-Democracy Measures - The introduction of electronic voting aligns with the Corporation's commitment to democracy, inclusivity, and member engagement. This contemporary approach aims to provide every member with a direct say in the decision-making process.

    9.4 Interim Board of Directors Elections - The adoption of electronic voting also enables the Corporation to conduct elections for new Board of Directors members in between Annual General Meetings without the necessity of convening a special meeting of the members. This facilitates the timely filling of vacant Board of Directors positions and the continued effective governance of the Corporation.

    Proxy Voting

    The process of proxy voting shall be revised to ensure that members are fully informed about how their proxies will be voted. Members shall be required to indicate their voting preferences on the proxy form, specifying how their proxy shall cast their vote on each matter.

    Proxy Voting By-law

    9.1 Proxy Voting Process - The process of proxy voting shall be revised to ensure that members are fully informed about how their proxies will be voted. Members shall be required to indicate their voting preferences on the proxy form, specifying how their proxy shall cast their vote on each matter.

    Thank you to all members who attended or submitted their proxy votes, allowing us to vote on these important by-laws.

    The meeting was recorded. Click here to access the link to the video.
  • Tue, April 23, 2024 11:56 AM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    The OSRP is growing and developing as an organization representing a diverse group of 1,300+ RPs across Ontario. To do so, we need your voices. Please let us know what we can do to make joining our Board a good fit for you.

    If you are Board-Curious and interested in learning more about becoming part of the OSRP Board, you are invited to an Open House on Friday, May 24, with Dan Sileshi, Chair of the Nomination Committee.

    Scheduled Zoom Meeting Date & Time:
    DATE: Friday, May 24, 2024
    TIME: 12-1 p.m. EDT

    Click here to register.

  • Tue, March 19, 2024 2:25 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    At our Annual General Meeting in November, resolutions to change our constitution and by-laws were presented to the membership for approval. These were included with the materials for that meeting in accordance with our by-laws.

    Unfortunately, we did not get to voting on most of the proposed changes at the Annual General Meeting. In recognizing that our members had a number of questions about the changes, we scheduled an "Ask me Anything" open house event in December to allow for more dialogue on this. Thank you to those who were able to attend and for your thoughtful questions.

    We are now looking to schedule a Special Session of the Membership to proceed with voting on these changes.

    Please take some time to review the below document, with particular attention to the "rationale" with which these proposed amendments were decided. Where a pre-existing by-law exists, we have provided a side-by-side comparison for you.

    Click here to view the by-law rationales.

    Understanding that you may have questions with respect to each of these proposed amendments, we have created a portal for you to submit these in advance of the meeting. This is in hopes that we can provide responses prior to the meeting, allowing us to get through the voting process in the allotted two hours for the meeting. The link below will take you to a survey where can enter questions as they pertain to each by-law. We will be responding to these a week prior to the Special Session of the Membership.

    Please note we will not be responding directly to questions posted on the listserv about these by-laws. 

    Click here to submit your questions.

    This meeting will be recorded.

    As a member in good standing of the Ontario Society of Registered Psychotherapists, you have the privilege of voting and having your voice heard. One way to do this is to attend our Special Session of the Membership and use your vote there. However, if you are unable to attend in person, you may still weigh in by assigning someone else to vote for you by proxy.

    We need your votes!

    Quorum for our Special Session of the Membership is 130 members, so it is important that you register to attend the meeting or assign a proxy to vote on your behalf.

    Click here to register for the Special Session of the Membership

    How do I assign a proxy?

    Assigning a proxy is easy. First, make sure the Ontario Society of Registered Psychotherapists member you are assigning as your proxy has registered to attend the Special Session of the Membership and let them know you wish to assign your proxy vote to them. Then, enter their name on the proxy application form. We have also provided the option to choose from your Executive committee as they are guaranteed to attend.

    Click here to fill in the proxy form.

  • Tue, March 19, 2024 10:52 AM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    My name is Dan Sileshi.  I am a registered psychotherapist with the qualification of Diplomate Clinician in Logotherapy.

    In July 2010 I joined the OSRP.  In 2017, after participating as a regular member for seven years, Ms. Kimberley Cato, being Chairperson of the Professional Development Committee, invited me to join her Committee.  Several training seminars were organized by the Committee; these include the 30-hour, two-part supervision training program, which was well received.  

    My experiences in the Committee sharpened my focus on the bigger purpose behind the work of the OSRP as it serves the interests of psychotherapists in Ontario, and informed my decision to accept Ms. Cato’s invitation to join the Board of the OSRP in 2022. I currently hold the role of Vice-Chair.

    Membership on the Board has been a valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth for me. I see possibilities for significant, positive impact on this profession and on its members, through the collaborative work that takes place at the Board level. I would, therefore, strongly encourage you, my fellow members of OSRP, to join us on the Board as we commit ourselves to the overall vision of this organization.  We seek to be accountable, and to work towards goals that will be beneficial for the work we do as psychotherapists. 

    I warmly invite you to join us as we put systems in place to make the OSRP a stronger, safer home for all.

    Live outside of the GTA?

    Don’t let that stop you from joining our Board! Our Board meetings are held via Zoom.

    Click here to view the Board roles and responsibilities.

    Click here to view Board member expectations

    Click here to submit your nomination for the Board.

  • Mon, March 18, 2024 3:04 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    Did you know:

    • you can invite a colleague to join OSRP at any point in their career
    • if this is their first time with OSRP, you will receive $50 off your membership renewal in July, and:
    • They will get $50 off their first year?

    April 1 is a terrific start date for a new member, with a minimal financial commitment up front.

    Use this handy INVITE TEMPLATE, which you can address to your colleague.

    Please find a list of membership benefits – including health insurance, discounts on many products and services, access to the ListServ, and so much more – HERE.

    Thank you for welcoming new members, and making OSRP the professional home for over 1,300 Ontarians…and rising!

  • Mon, March 18, 2024 2:59 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    Our first Member Spotlight features Rosetta Racco, RP. She works with neurodivergent children, adolescents (3-22 years of age), and Autistics of all ages, and their families. She’s accepting new clients at the moment and offers sessions both online and in person.

    I had a fascinating conversation with her about her life/work experience that spans over three decades. She has worked in various professional roles such as an Early Childhood Educator, Resource Consultant for Ministry of Children & Youth, Behaviour Therapist, Infant Mental Health & Family Counsellor etc. She’s also lived and worked in Africa and the UAE and brings this rich diversity to her practice with clients.

    She realized her own neurodivergence when pursuing her education in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. It helped her make sense of her life-long passion, deepened her practice in the way she supports not only her clients, but also their families.

    Fortunately, Neurodivergnece has started to become a more positive movement with neuro affirming aspects and she feels lucky to be a part of this age of inclusivity. Brava Rosetta!

    Outside of work, she enjoys long walks in nature, reading and self study through books, podcasts and articles.

    Find Rosetta at:

    Would you like to be featured in the next Member Spotlight? Just fill in our quick survey and tell us about yourself.

    I look forward to learning and sharing about members all over Ontario, especially the ones working in the more remote regions, and ones with diverse approaches, or serving diverse and marginalized populations.

    Just fill in our quick survey and tell us about yourself. If chosen, your spotlight will also be shared on OSRP's social media platforms.

    If chosen, your spotlight will also be shared on OSRP's social media platforms.

    With love,

    Mahshad Aryafar, RP

    Connect Committee Chair

  • Mon, February 26, 2024 12:07 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    The Connect Committee is launching a new feature called Member Spotlight. The purpose is for our members to get to know each other, and to bring a sense of community to our Central e-blasts.

    Are you interested in sharing a bit about yourself and your practice with other members and contacts?  

    Maybe some members have the right client for you or would like to collaborate with you.

    We all win when we feel less alone and more in community with other like-minded humans. 

    Imagine hearing about members all over Ontario, especially in the more remote regions, learning about the diversity of approaches and the population that our members serve. We want to tap into this rich community of practitioners. We want to hear from you. 

    Just fill in our quick survey and tell us about yourself. If chosen, your spotlight will also be shared on OSRP's social media platforms.

    With love,

    Mahshad Aryafar, RP

    Connect Committee Chair

  • Tue, February 20, 2024 2:27 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    Join Amy from Jane, an all-in-one health and wellness practice management software, for a demonstration on how Jane can help run your private practice.

    During the live demonstration, you will explore Jane’s key features, such as user-friendly online booking, secure telehealth sessions, PCI-compliant payment processing, customizable sliding-scale session pricing, and more. You will have the opportunity to learn how these features can help you streamline your workflows, improve client care, and thrive in your business.

    Following the demonstration, Jane's friendly Support Team will be available for 1:1 demos, giving you the chance to ask any questions and receive personalized assistance. This is a fantastic opportunity to discover how Jane can take your practice to the next level, so mark your calendars and join us for this exciting event!

    Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024

    Time: 12-1 p.m. EST

    Where: via Zoom (link will be provided upon registration)

    Members: Free

    Non-members: $15 + HST

    Amy is a member of Jane's Support Team who has previous experience working with vulnerable youth in the mental health field. She is passionate about equipping mental health providers with resources and knowledge on Jane's unique tools and features that will help them continue to provide an excellent client experience and grow their private practices.

    Click here to register.
  • Tue, February 20, 2024 1:21 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

    Black History Month Experience

    By: Kimberly Cato, Past Chair

    I have always had mixed feelings about Black History Month (it being the shortest, coldest month of the year and all) but I cannot be silent about the opportunity it gives me to revel in the Beauty & Excellence of my Blackness, as seen on the social media pages of SO many people, other than just myself.


    “Yes I’m Black, I’m proud of it, I’m Black and Beautiful!” as heralded by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I hold this declaration as my badge of truth but not just for the 28 days of February –– these words are my heart’s cry 365 days of every single year.

    The month is short, but the momentum is tremendous with new daily discoveries of heroic, innovative, revolutionary achievements of Black People whose contributions to the betterment of humanity are often unknown, buried, and invisible –– by design. The first week or two of February, I am usually just blessed by the things I learn about my Blackness and the contributions of my people, but by the third week of February, I am irritated at best and highly agitated. I question how it is possible, year after year, that there remains more to learn about our greatness and how these lessons of Black Excellence are not taught as common curricula in classrooms or universities. Our stories –– which are too often secretly shared and inevitably challenged, debated, and argued as inciting shame, discomfort, and harm toward those sitting comfortably as the status quo –– must be intentionally sought.

     By the end of February, I am inevitably exhausted and in desperate need of grounding, community, and restoration.

    With increased awareness of my tendency to spiral in despair because of BHM, I proactively engage in activities that speak directly to issues related to Black Mental Health. TAIBU Community Health Centre is a multidisciplinary, non-for-profit, community led organization established to serve the Black Community across the Greater Toronto Area as its priority population. TAIBU CHC celebrates Black Mental Health Week in March with events designed to raise awareness, eradicate stigma of Black Mental Health, confront Anti-Black Racism, and build community.

    This year, TAIBU CHC has many events planned in honour of Black Mental Health Week that may be of interest to anyone engaged or invested in the work of Black Liberation and Mental Health.

  • Tue, January 23, 2024 12:39 PM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)
    If you’re interested in enhancing your CBT skills, this spring McMaster University’s Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences is offering 14 one-day virtual workshops in a wide range of topics (see below). Each virtual interactive workshop will be led by experienced faculty, and will focus on practical insights and relevant advice to help you improve your clinical practice.


    • CBT and Transgender and Gender Diverse Communities                           
    • CBT for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder                                              
    • CBT and Harm Reduction (Substance use)                                        
    • CBT for Insomnia                                                                                  
    • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)                                   
    • CBT for Generalized Anxiety Disorder                                               

    APRIL CBT for Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders                                 

    • CBT for Depression                                                                            
    • CBT for OCD in Children                                                                     
    • CBT for Chronic Pain                                                                          
    • Fundamentals of Mindfulness                                                               

    MAY CBT and Serious Medical Illness                                                        

    • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy


    • CBT for Generalized Anxiety Disorder                                   
    • Enhancing Parent Engagement in CBT for Childhood Anxiety           
    • CBT for Psychosis
    For further details on all of these workshops (no pre-requisites are required) or to register, and also for information about our 7 week CBT Fundamentals Courses, visit  or contact

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